What Can You Do To Help?

Actually, you can do a lot! Achieving our goal having a study done depends on the community being aware and informed. It’s going to take individuals just like you to help spread the word!

Here are a few things you can do to help:

1. If you are a citizen of Wilkesboro or North Wilkesboro: Make sure you vote for a Mayoral Candidate and Town Councilmen/Commissioner Candidates in the upcoming 2021 election that support seeing a study done.

2. “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/bridgetheboros, then invite your Wilkes friends to like it too.

3. Sign the Bridge The Boros petition at www.change.org/bridgetheboros, then share the link with others who live in Wilkes.

4. Have conversations with your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers who live in Wilkes about the benefits of doing a consolidation/shared services study.

5. If you are a citizen of Wilkesboro or North Wilkesboro: Contact your Mayor, Town Councilmen/Commissioners, and candidates running for election to let them know you support a study being done.

5. If you are a citizen of Wilkes County: Contact your County Commissioners to encourage them to support a study being done.

6. Write a letter to the editor of the Wilkes Journal-Patriot and The Wilkes Record and explain to the community why you support a study being done.

7. Join our email list by going to the bottom of this page so we can contact you with important updates and calls for action.

8. Support the cause by putting a Bridge The Boros sticker on your car, a sign in your yard, or a by wearing a T-shirt!

Click here or the “Support” link in our navigation bar to go to the Official Bridge The Boros Promotional Shop to purchase stickers, yard signs, and t-shirts.

NOTE: WE DO NOT PROFIT FROM THE SALE OF ANY OF OUR PROMOTIONAL ITEMS. We set up a Cafe Press shop as a convenience to our supporters. All prices reflect Cafe Press’ actual prices, there are no markups, therefore we do not profit a single penny from the sell of any items. We felt setting up a shop like this was the easiest way to allow people access to our promotional items.