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Where We Are Today

It is now 2021, and the citizens of the two Wilkesboros are still having some of the same conversations of 1891 and other years past regarding the division and the fate of the two separate, yet intertwined towns. Regardless of how one looks at it, the fact is that the future of each town is reliant on the other for they are both part of one larger Wilkes community. People who live on each side of the river cross it daily for work, school, church, recreation, family and all sorts of reasons.

The facts tell us that the entire Wilkes community is currently facing a serious economic situation. Now is not the time for more talk. Now is not the time to say “maybe someday”. Now is the time for the citizens of each town to take action and make a decision on whether or not they want their elected officials to pass resolutions that would create a Joint Study Commission to investigate the pros and cons of consolidation and shared services.

This issue should not be left up to conversations between 11 elected officials. It is far too important for that. This issue should be left up to the citizens. They should make the choice by letting their elected officials know where they stand and instructing them on what they want them to do. After all, this is how democracy works and what elected officials are there for.

A study of Wilkesboro-North Wilkesboro town consolidation has never been done, yet it is the only way to find out whether or not it would truly benefit our community.